5-Step Lawncare Program

The key to having a beautiful landscape is to grow a strong, green lawn to go along with it. The 5 step lawn fertilization program is a comprehensive plan to maintain a healthy lawn throughout the year. Continue reading to learn more about this 5-step program.

5 Step Lawncare Program 1

Step 1: Fertilizer with a Pre-emergent for crabgrass

 Crabgrass begins its germination when the soil surface reaches 55-58 degrees Fahrenheit, and stay that temperature for 5 or more consecutive days. From this point in time crabgrass will continue to germinate into the late summer months, and die by the first frost in the fall.

To control crabgrass germination, a pre-emergent must be applied before the soil temperatures reach 55 degrees Fahrenheit. A pre-emergent, applied at the correct label rate, will provide a barrier in the top layer of the soil that will prevent crabgrass from germinating. One treatment can last for 3-5 months. Effectiveness decreases over time.

The fertilizer in the pre-emergent will give your lawn the foot it needs for an early spring green-up! Your lawn will also thicken up in hopes of suffocating out the unwanted weeds.

The granular pre-emergent should be watered into the soil within 24-72 hours of the application being applied, from either rainfall or irrigation. Granular fertilizer must be watered into the soil so that it activates, breaks down, and begins feeding nutrients to the lawn. Please wait 24-72 hours to mow your lawn after treatment.


Step 2: Fertilizer with Pre-Emergent & Broadleaf Weed Control

It has been roughly 8 weeks since your last treatment of pre-emergent. The effectiveness is starting to decrease, so another application will be applied to give increased residual or the barrier in the soil. This will help prevent crabgrass from germinating further in the year.

Today’s treatment will also include fertilizer and broadleaf weed control. Fertilizer will help promote lush, green growth of the turf, and broadleaf weed control to remove the eyesore of spring weeds growing in your lawn.

The granular pre-emergent should be watered into the soil within 24-72 hours of the application being applied, from either rainfall or irrigation. Granular fertilizer must be watered into the soil so that it activates, breaks down, and begins feeding nutrients to the lawn. Please wait 24-72 hours to mow your lawn after treatment.


Step 3: Fertilizer with Grub Control, Broadleaf Weed Control & Grassy Weed Control

Today’s granular treatment will include fertilizer and insect control. The insect control, when applied at the correct label rate, will reduce the number of grubs, cinch bugs, sod webworm, fleas, ticks, etc. (there are many other insects controlled by this product that are not listed here). Prevention is the best practice for pest control. 

Today I will also be looking for and treating:

Broadleaf Weeds– dandelion, clover, oxalis, violets, etc.

Grassy Weeds- crabgrass and foxtail

Grass-like weeds-nutsedge

All products should be watered into the soil within 24-72 hours of the application being applied, from either rainfall or irrigation. Granular fertilizer must be watered into the soil so that it activates, breaks down, and begins feeding nutrients to the lawn. Please wait 24-72 hours to mow your lawn after treatment.


Step 4: Fertilizer, Broadleaf Weed Control & Grassy Weed Control

Now that we have taken preventative measures from Step 1 – Step 3, we can focus on maintenance for your lawn for the rest of the year.

During this application you will receive fertilizer will help promote lush, green growth as well as to help your lawn bounce back from the stresses of summer.

Today I will also be looking for and treating:

Broadleaf Weeds– dandelion, clover, oxalis, violets, etc.

Grassy Weeds- crabgrass and foxtail

Grass-like weeds-nutsedge

We will also provide a visual inspection of your lawn during the application.

The granular pre-emergent should be watered into the soil within 24-72 hours of the application being applied, from either rainfall or irrigation. Granular fertilizer must be watered into the soil so that it activates, breaks down, and begins feeding nutrients to the lawn. Please wait 24-72 hours to mow your lawn after treatment.


Step 5: Fertilizer & Broadleaf Weed Control

Fall is here and it is the best time for root growth. Fertilizer will help thicken up your lawn and promote healthy root growth. Fall is also the best time of year for you to plant grass seed to fill in those unwanted bare or thin areas.

We will be spraying for broadleaf weeds that have germinated between this treatment and the last. I will also be visually inspecting any portion of your lawn that looks damaged by pests. If there is pest damage, we will discuss with you what options you have to fix the issue.

The granular pre-emergent should be watered into the soil within 24-72 hours of the application being applied, from either rainfall or irrigation. Granular fertilizer must be watered into the soil so that it activates, breaks down, and begins feeding nutrients to the lawn. Please wait 24-72 hours to mow your lawn after treatment.